Evento de ativação para a Volcom, marca de lifestyle skate, surf e snowboarding.

A proposta para a Volcom foi apresentada quando a marca chegou à Brusque, numa parceria com a loja Nalu Surf Shop. Os eventos foram desenhados para refletir o conceito da marca e gerar conteúdos compartilháveis tanto nas redes sociais de impacto regional quanto nacional.

Através de influenciadores locais, as Volcom Parties foram divulgadas para seu público alvo, jovens de 18 a 24 anos e gosto por surf music e o hip hop.
Com mais de 600 ingressos vendidos, os eventos geraram conteúdos que traduzem o estilo Volcom e que foram compartilhados por representantes de todo o país, além de terem tido forte repercussão nas redes sociais da marca. 


Promotion party for Volcom, lifestyle brand skateboarding, surfing and snowboarding. The proposal for Volcom was presented when the brand arrived at Brusque, in a partnership with Nalu Surf Shop store. The events were planned to reflect the brand concept and make shareable content both on social networks with regional and national impact. Through local influencers, Volcom Parties were promoted to their target audience, young people between 18 to 24 years and I like surf music and hip hop. With more than 600 tickets sold, the events made content that reflects the Volcom style and were shared by representatives from all over the country, in addition to having a strong impact on the brand's social networks.





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